2. The moon is about one-quarter the diameter of the earth, and is 1.25 light-seconds away—corresponding to about 30 earth diameters.
3.The sun is 109 times the diameter of the earth, and about 8 light-minutes away
Olympus Mons: 27 km
Mount Everest: 8,849 m
Olympus Mons is three times as tall as Mount Everest
Katrina: 175 mph (280 km/h)
The red spot on Jupiter: about 25,000 ~ 40,000kilometers
Red spot is three times bigger than earth.
Valles Marineris: 4,000 kilometres (2,500 miles)
Grand Canyon: 446 km(277 miles)
Valles Marineris is about nine times as long as Grand Canyon.
VV Cephei is an eclipsing binary star system located in the constellation Cepheus, approximately 2,400 light years from Earth.
Earth: 12,742 km
Sun: 1,393.000 km (865,570.0707 miles)
VV Cephei: 1600-1900 R
2000 times bigger than our Sun.
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